«The processes related to the implementation of Rogun Dam project have shown that Tajikistan can progressively plan and implement its long-term development programme. This discourse depends, first of all, on the political will and, secondly, on the citizens’ understanding of the project significance, i.e. social basis,» –  political analyst Sherali Rizoyon wrote in his article for the analytical platform cabar.asia.

Русский Тоҷикӣ


«Although the definitions of “traditional” and “tolerant” do not quite correctly apply to religion and its various movements, for the past two decades, they have often appeared in official political rhetoric and informational space», notes an expert on religion, Rustam Azizi in his original article for the analytical platform cabar.asia.



«The majority of researches on Chinese topics focus on studying the exceptionally positive aspects of cooperation with China. At the same time, any attempts at a more or less critical consideration of various aspects of Chinese expansion in Tajikistan are characterized in the spirit of Soviet times – as “intrigues of external enemies” or “geopolitical competitors” of China», – states Parviz Mullojanov, the political scientist from Dushanbe, in his article written specifically for the analytical platform cabar.asia.

Русский (more…)

December – time to sum up the year’s results. By the end of 2018, in addition to journalistic materials, several dozens of analytical articles were published on the cabar.asia portal. We hope that they have revealed actual issues and questions of the Central Asian region, gave a look at some things from other angles, broadened the horizons, and simply helped to spend time with benefit. If you missed something worthwhile, we present you a review of the eight best analytical articles of 2018.



«The results of the October 2018 governmental special operation against crime figures in Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region are evaluated positively. However, the local population voices the grievance over the frequent deployment of military in the region. Meanwhile, there is no confrontation between the center and Khorog on the level of government institutions,” – highlights political scientist Mouslimbek Buriev in original cabar.asia article.

Muslimbek Buriev – participant of cabar.asia School of Analytics

Русский Тоҷикӣ


“In recent years, Tajik opposition activities abroad tend to intensify. This became especially visible after a substantial part of fault-finding politicians emigrated to Europe. In their activities, these groups have very limited means for achieving goals,” political analyst Khursand Khurramov notes in his article written for cabar.asia analytical portal.

Русский Тоҷикӣ

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Article Overview:

  • Tajik opposition reunites. This is the second consolidation after the end of the civil war;
  • Today, the political potential of the Tajik opposition alliance is limited to social networks and virtual space;
  • The list of priority requirements of the National Alliance includes the protection of human rights, restoration of rights and freedoms for all political forces, as well as ensuring free elections in Tajikistan.

A meeting of opposition parties in Warsaw in September 2018, where the National Alliance of Tajikistan was found. Source: parstoday.com

Opposition figures in Tajikistan attempted to unite for the second time after the end of the civil war to achieve political goals. Despite this event was held outside the country, the mere fact of the unification of certain opposition groups actualizes the issue of necessity to study its activities, motives and political perspectives.

In early September 2018, on the eve of the 27th anniversary of the independence of Tajikistan, four Tajik opposition groups announced their unification in the capital of Poland: “National Alliance” (including the banned Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan (IRP), “Movement for Reforms and Progress”, “Forum of Free-Thinking Citizens of Tajikistan” and “Association of Central Asian Migrants in Europe”.

The civil war in Tajikistan. Source: asiaplus.tj

Since the acquisition of independence, the relationships between the opposition and the authorities of Tajikistan remain very complex and controversial. The process – from armed confrontation for power (1992-1997) to signing a peace agreement (1997) and giving the opposition 30% of seats in the government, and then gradual displacement opposition groups from the political field, up to recognition of the main opposition party (IRPT) as terrorist in 2015 – very vividly illustrates this struggle done by the principle of “the winner takes it all”.

[quote]This confrontation over the past period is very different by its methods and the lack of adequate programs and strategies from what the classical political theory suggests. External observers saw this confrontation as the struggle of Islamism and secularism, while the internal observers considered it to be the rivalry of regional groups for access to power and resources. In reality, this was both with the ideologies of secularism and Islamism being aimed at internal legitimization of power and at attracting external sponsors.[/quote]

The political landscape of Tajikistan has always been very heterogeneous due to the presence of regional differences in it. Therefore, after the collapse of communism and proclamation of the pluralism principle, the political forces had to combine their efforts across groups in order to consider mutual interests and attract supporters. Based on these principles, the Islamists and Democrats united during the first presidential elections in 1991, the United Tajik Opposition was created during the civil war, as well as Tajikistan Reform Forces Association was created during presidential elections of 2013. In all of these associations, the Islamic Renaissance Party (banned in Tajikistan) played a key role, since it had large-scale support due to the Islamic ideology and significant resources gathered also via external funding. In addition, all these efforts were accompanied by attempts to ensure representation of regional groups in these associations.

Apparently, over time, the main triggers of the Tajik opposition politics remained unchanged. When creating the new “National Alliance”, the Tajik opposition leaders abroad tried to ensure the regional balance as much as possible, and all of this happens again with the active support of the IRPT (banned in Tajikistan). The declaration of the new coalition creation was signed by Alim Sherzamonov, a native of GBAO, Sharofiddin Gadoev, a native of the Khatlon region, Mukhiddin Kabiri, Chairman of the IRP, and Ilhomjon Yakubzoda, a native of the Sughd region (northern Tajikistan).

It seems that this approach aims to achieve at least the following goals:

  • demonstration of protest potential of all regions of the country to Dushanbe and external observers;
  • regional formation of the groups of solidarity to the creators of the alliance;
  • establishing cooperation with countries that are wary of IRPT after its official ban;
  • minimization of the Islamic factor through participation of the maximum number of secular figures in the union

The last issue is particularly sensitive for the IRP management, since this party has accessed a relatively large audience due to religious ideology over the past years. At the same time, there is an understanding of “contempt” for political Islam, both from secular citizens of Tajikistan and from international (US, Russia and China) and regional (Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan) actors.

Time will show whether Kabiri will be able to reverse the direction of the party to secularity. However, now he now emphasizes in his statements an exclusively secular future for Tajikistan.

It should also be noted that the recently created alliance does not include all existing opposition groups outside Tajikistan. “Group 24” and the Congress of Constructive Force abstained from joining the coalition, thereby protesting against the presiding IRP.

The head of the Congress and the leader of the political movement “Vatandor” declared an information war to the IRP, noting that the current party leadership by Muhiddin Kabiri is “ineffective and incapable of successful political management.”

Existing Potential

As for the possibilities of opposition groups in terms of identifying their supporters, they are almost completely limited. Before the official announcement of IRP as a terrorist group in 2015, its chairman said that the party has up to 42 thousand members. This figure cannot be confirmed now, since the party itself officially announced the cessation of activities on the territory of Tajikistan, and later was completely banned.

[pullquote]Today, the political potential of the Tajik opposition alliance is limited to social networks and virtual space.[/pullquote]

The coalition has at its disposal information websites such as Payom, VostokNews, Ozodandeshon, Habarho and some others. The target audience of the opposition, as can be inferred from their rhetoric and speeches, consists mainly of labor migrants in Russia and the unemployed segments of the population dissatisfied with their living conditions in Tajikistan. Human rights, ineffective domestic policies, personnel replacements, foreign and economic policies – these points are the main target of criticism from the united opposition.

Opposition politicians in emigration are actively speaking at the annual OSCE conferences on the human dimension and are trying, to lobby the sanctions list through European institutions; this list consists of officials, who, in their opinion, are involved in human rights violations. In regional history, a similar precedent took place in 2005 after the Andijan events, when the EU imposed sanctions against several officials from Uzbekistan, but these sanctions were temporary. The published sanctions list by international human rights organizations in September 2017 is the result of the opposition activities. This list featured the name of the chairman of the State Committee for National Security of Tajikistan Saymumin Yatimov. He was blamed for the torture of Mahmadali Khait, deputy chairman of the IRPT.

The National Alliance declares the struggle for building a democratic, legal and secular society in Tajikistan, for respecting human rights, restoring rights and freedoms for all political forces, and fight for fair and competitive elections in Tajikistan. The initiators do not speak about the means of achieving their goals, but given the possibilities of the opposition, it seems that this is primarily all about the information struggle and the pressure on the authorities of Tajikistan through various international and European institutions. Time will show whether they will be able to achieve a result and how official Dushanbe will react to their activities.

Authorities’ Reaction

Emomali Rahmon and Rustam Emomali. Source: rus.ozodlik.org

Considering the latest constitutional reform, in particular, the lowering of the age requirement for the presidency and the intensive career promotion of Rustam Emomali, it is obvious that the process of power transition has started in Dushanbe. The success of this transition depends on the stability of the political regime and on favorable external factors. Judging by the positive reviews of the capital residents, Rustam Emomali has almost succeeded in creating the image of an effective manager as mayor of Dushanbe on the domestic political level. This circumstance creates a favorable background for power transition and deprives the opposition of certain advantages. Nevertheless, the existing political regime has a number of problems and unsolved issues, including the problem of human rights inadequate protection, unresolved social and economic problems, high unemployment rate, corruption, increasing national debt, etc. These chronic problems of the country cannot be solved in the short period. Therefore, for an effective power transition, Dushanbe can either use repressive mechanisms, or choose for a certain liberalization, including a dialogue with the opposition. Judging by the latest decisions of the authorities, certain liberal steps to improve the image are already being taken. These could include the release of journalist Khairullo Mirsaidov, lawyer Shukhrat Kudratov, lifting the travel ban on opposition family members, inviting the opposition to the negotiations during the OSCE Human Dimension Conference.


Tajik opposition activity abroad in recent years in fact tends to intensify. This became especially visible after the ban of IRPT and the emigration of a significant number of its members to Europe. Despite this, opposition groups have very limited means for achieving goals, because the absolute majority of Tajikistan citizens do not have access to social networks and new information spaces, and the republic’s authorities can filter the information to some extent.

Tajikistan has a high level of poverty. Source: new.agroinform.tj

In addition, any demonstration of a sympathy for these groups is can lead to criminal prosecution, since almost all of them are included in Tajikistan to a list of terrorist and extremist organizations. Nevertheless, the unresolved important socio-economic problems of Tajikistan and reliance solely on repressive methods may attract more attention to the activities of the opposition abroad and contribute to their popularization.

Obviously, despite certain liberal steps were taken, under the existing conditions, the political regime in Dushanbe does not intend to engage in dialogue with the opposition, since their confrontation has become too mutually exclusive. Such a prerogative, perhaps, will be passed on to the next contender for power if the family power transition happens successfully and the opposition is not able to counter it.

This article was prepared as part of the Giving Voice, Driving Change – from the Borderland to the Steppes Project implemented with the financial support of the Foreign Ministry of Norway. The opinion expressed in the article does not reflect the position of the editorial board or the donor.

“Saudi and pro-Salafi lobby are already active in most countries of the region; according to critics, some government decrees and decisions adopted in recent years in the religious sphere look as if they were written at the suggestion of the Salafis, or in close consultation with them”, – an expert from Tajikistan, Parviz Mullojanov, on the geopolitical aspects of Salafization in Central Asia, specially for cabar.asia.

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“A wise, far-sighted, and ‘soft’ Chinese foreign policy has in the past decade not only minimized but also reduced the influence of Russia and others countries in Tajikistan by creating a powerful pro-China lobby to influence policy both within the country and abroad” – expert Michael Petrushkov, writing specially for cabar.asia, gives the orientation of external actors’ foreign policies in Tajikistan.

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“Tajik authorities have gone further with the majority of the country’s Internet providers having blocked a number of VPN proxies and other programs meant to circumvent web filtering.” – expert Nuriddin Karshiboev, writing specially for cabar.asia, assesses the latest developments in Tajikistan’s media sphere.

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“Independent media is increasingly in need of state support in the form of tax breaks and guarantees of protection, but the state continues to simply ignore the condition of the media,” – Political scientist Khursand Khurramov sheds light on the problems facing independent media in Tajikistan in this cabar.asia exclusive.

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Khurshed Kurbonshoev
Human rights lawyer, specialist in digital law
Eldos Abakhanov
Deputy Chairperson of the "Kazakhstan Association of Environmental Organizations"
Kanatbek Abdiev
Independent Researcher, Master in Conflict, Security and Development at King’s College of London
Marufjon Abdujaborov
Chief Specialist at the Strategic Research Center Under the President of Tajikistan. Participant of CABAR.asia School of Analytics (Dushanbe)
Madina Abdullaeva
Lecturer at the Department of Political Science at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy. Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Rashid Ghani Abdullo
Independent expert
Jyldyz Abdyldaeva
Participant of CABAR.asia School of Analytics
Anisa Abibulloeva
eco-activist, participant of the CABAR.asia School of Analytics
Independent researcher, participant of the School of Analysts CABAR.asia
Akrom Avezov
Participant of School of Analysts CABAR.asia 2022
Galym Ageleuov
head of Liberty public fund (Kazakhstan)
Kunduz Adylbekova
CABAR.asia School of Analytics alumna
Rustam Azizi
Deputy Director of the Center for Islamic Studies under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan
Ainura Akmatalieva
Founder of the Institute for Perspective Policy, PhD in Political Sciences, Associate Professor at the KRSU (Bishkek)
Iskander Akylbayaev
Researcher of KazISS, the Department of Foreign Policy and International Security
Guldastasho Alibakhshev
Researcher at the Center of Sociological Research "Zerkalo", CABAR.asia School of Analytics participant (Dushanbe)
Bakhtiyor Alimdjanov
Independent researcher, Ph.D in History (Tashkent)
Dimash Alzhanov
Political scientist, founder of the "Erkin, Qazaqstan" project (Almaty)
Nailya Almukhamedova
Director General of the Parasat System Research Institute; participant of the School of Analytics cabar.asia (Astana)
Anna Alshanskaya
Researcher, participant of the CABAR.asia School of Analytics (Nur-Sultan)
Mukhtar Amanbaiuly
Political Scientist
Aida Amangeldina
Political scientist, graduate of the CABAR.asia School of Analytics and participant of the research group ВЗВЕСЬ / SUSPENDED MATTER
Farkhod Aminjonov
Ph.D., senior researcher at the Eurasian Research Institute
Aydar Amrebayev
Head of the Center for Political Science and International Studies
Mahram Anvarzod
Islamic scholar
Hamidjon Arifov
PhD. in geological-mineralogical sciences, Tajik Committee of the International Commission on Large Dams, Lead Researcher at the Tajik Institute of Water Issues, Hydropower and Ecology
Eldar Asanov
Junior Researcher of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, participant of the CABAR.asia School of Analytics (Tashkent)
Zarema Askarova
Independent expert
Indira Aslanova
Expert on religious studies
Shirin Atlasova
participant of the CABAR.asia School of Analytics
Asomiddin Atoev
regional expert in information technology and cybersecurity
Slyamzhar Akhmedzharov
Researcher at the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, participant of CABAR.asia School of Analytics
Anvar Babayev
PhD in Economics, Head Analyst and Director of the Population Migration Section of the Tajik Academy of Science’s Institute of Economics and Demographics
Erzhan Bagdatov
Executive Director of the Center of Media Technologies
Erkin Baydarov
Leading researcher of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan
Sheradil Baktygulov
Independent expert
Serik Beysembayev
Nazik Beishenaly
President, Union of Cooperatives of Kyrgyzstan
Nurbek Bekmurzaev
Independent researcher, participant of cabar.asia School of Analytics (Bishkek)
Danil Bekturganov
President of the Public Foundation "Civil Expertise"
Denis Berdakov
Political scientist
Gulmira Birzhanova
Lawyer, expert in the field of national and international media law, Kazakhstan
Abbos Bobkhonov
Research Fellow at the Institute for Advanced International Studies, PhD student at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (Tashkent)
Valentin Bogatyrev
Head of the analytical consortium "Perspective"
Konstantin Bondarenko
Farzad Ramezani Bonesh
Journalist and expert in international relations
Anton Bugaenko
Sinologist, chief expert of the Chinese and Asian studies program at the Institute of World Economics and Politics (Kazakhstan)
Yuriy Buluktayev
Political scientist, Сhief researcher at the Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies of the National Academy of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty)
Dana Buralkieva
Independent researcher and expert in the field of digital human rights and freedoms, member of the analytics school CABAR.asia
Muslimbek Buriev
Political scientist, participant of cabar.asia School of Analytics (Dushanbe)
Rustam Burnashev
Political scientist, professor of Kazakh-German University
Muazama Burkhanova
Environmental organization "Fund for Support of Civil Initiatives", Tajikistan, independent expert
Mereke Gabdualiev
Сonstitutional lawyer, director of the public foundation “Institute for the Development of Constitutionalism and Democracy”
Musliddin Gaipnazarov
Alexander Galiyev
Editor of Computerworld.kz
Alisher Gardonshoev
participant of the CABAR.asia School of Analytics
Makhmud Giyosov
Political scientist (Dushanbe)
Daniela Grosheva
Specialist in transport logistics and digital business
Olga Gulina
Director and Founder of RUSMPI UG - Institute for Migration Policy (Germany)
Rustam Gulov
Expert on new media
Gulyaev Sergey
General Director of PF "Decenta"
Anna Gusarova
Director of the Central Asian Institute for Strategic Studies (Almaty)
Eldaniz Gusseinov
Non-Resident Research Fellow at Haydar Aliyev Center for Eurasian Studies of the Ibn Haldun University, Istanbul
Zoir Davlatov
Independent expert
Nurali Davlatov
Nazima Davletova
Adjunct Professor, Webster University (Tashkent)
Zarina Dadabayeva
Doctor of Political Science, Professor at Russian State Humanitarian University, Leading scientific worker at the Post-Soviet Studies Research Center, Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Sciences
Ildar Daminov
Independent researcher and a graduate of the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna
Emil Djuraev
Political scientist, Associate Professor of the OSCE Academy (Bishkek)
Salamat Dzhybykeev
International Relations Specialist (Bishkek)
Svetlana Dzardanova
Expert of the Central Asian Institute for Strategic Studies (CAISS)
Zhannur Dildabayeva
Sociologist, Nazarbayev University (Kazakhstan)
Sergey Domnin
Chief editor of “Expert Kazakhstan” magazine
Asel Doolotkeldieva
Ph.D., political scientist
Roza Duisheeva
Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations and Social Sciences of the International Kuwait University; participant of the cabar.asia School of Analytics (Bishkek)
Berikbol Dukeyev
Political scientist, PhD researcher at the Australian National University.
Bakhtier Ergashev
Director of the Center for Political Initiatives "Māno"
Aigerim Erken
Project Manager at the Eurasian Center for People Management
Sarvar Jalolov
International Relations Specialist (Tashkent)
Alimana Zhanmukanova
Political scientist and independent researcher (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan)
Aygerim Zholdas
CABAR.asia Intern (Nur-Sultan)
Zamira Zholdaskyzy
Analyst at the Center for the Development of Labor Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, participant of CABAR.asia School of Analytics (Nur-Sultan)
Zhibek Zhorokulova
Researcher, Master's student at the OSCE Academy (Bishkek)
Zaynab Dost
Independent expert
Galiya Ibragimova
Independent expert
Tamerlan Ibraimov
Director of the Center for Political and Legal Studies
Maya Ivanova
Research analyst specialized in security, geopolitical risk assessment and gender (Bulgaria)
Timur Idrisov
Independent Expert (Tajikistan)
Ruslan Izimov
Sinologist, head of the "Eurasian Studies Program" of the Institute for World Economics and Politics under the Foundation of First President of the Kazakhstan, director of the Center for China Studies in Central Asia "Synopsys"
Elena Izteleuova
Independent analyst, participant of the School of Analysts CABAR.asia 2021
Alisher Ilkhamov
Independent Researcher (London)
Muratbek Imanaliev
Sinologist, ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs and ex-secretary of the SCO (Kyrgyzstan)
Nazik Imanbekova
Economist, participant of the CABAR.asia School of Analytics (Bishkek)
Fabio Indeo
Specialist in geopolitics in Central Asia
Zamira Isakova
Master in Politics and Security at the OSCE Academy, Regional Coordinator of Saferworld Programs in Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan)
Kosimsho Iskandarov
Head of Conflict Resolution and Regional Research Center in association with the Academy of Sciences
Chyngyz Israyilov
Lecturer of the Department of International Relations, Osh State University
Aizhan Kakenova
Researcher in the field of gender inequality and minority rights, Master of Arts, School of Humanities and Social Sciences Nazarbayev University (Nur-Sultan)
Amina Kalmamatova
cabar.asia intern
Muhaiyo Kamolova
participant of the CABAR.asia School of Analytics
Asylgul Kanatbekova
Analyst, participant of the CABAR.asia's School of analytics, junior researcher at the OSCE Academy in Bishkek
Samar Kanatov
IWPR intern, Youth Empowerment and Water & Climate Education Expert
Nargiz Kapasheva
participant of the CABAR.asia School of Analytics, researcher and expert analyst
Lesya Karataeva
Ph.D. is Chief Researcher at the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Navruz Karimov
Analyst, media specialist, graduate of the CABAR.asia School of Analytics (Tajikistan)
Nuriddin Karshiboyev
Chairman of the National Association of Independent Media of Tajikistan
Yerlan Kassym
Specialist in energy policy, green economy and alternative energy. Government and Public Relations adviser at Royal Dutch Shell in Kazakhstan (Nur-Sultan)
Ekaterina Kasymova
Independent expert
Adil Kaukenov
Sinologist, political scientist
Gaukhar Kiikova
Independent expert on early childhood development, Chairman of the NGO "OYNA Institute of Childhood"
Firdavs Kobilov
PhD Candidate at the School of Social and Political Science, CEES, the University of Glasgow, UK
Kamila Kovyazina
Sociologist, researcher in public policy (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan)
Anvar Kodirov
Independent Researcher
Turonbek Kozokov
cabar.asia intern
Galina Kolodzinskaia
Expert on Religion, Politics, and Security in Central Asia (Bishkek)
Iskandar Qonunov
Political scientist
Ainur Koskina
Journalist in Kazakhstan
Gulaikhan Kubayeva
PhD student in public economics at the University of Salerno, Italy (Kazakhstan)
Alla Kuvatova
Sociologist, PhD
Kodir Kuliev
Anti-Corruption and Governance Expert (Tashkent)
Abror Kurbonmuratov
Khurshed Kurbonshoev
Human rights lawyer, specialist in digital law
Adinai Kurmanbekova
International relations specialist, participant of the CABAR.asia school of analytics
Zaynidin Kurmanov
Professor of the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University
Aidarkhan Kusainov
Financial analyst and general director of the Almagest Management and Strategy Consulting Company
Ikrom Kuchkorov
independent expert, participant of CABAR.asia School of analytics
Konstantin Larionov
Researcher, analyst (Bishkek)
Nigel Li
International Relations Specialist (Singapore)
Vlad Lim
Postgraduate student of the Department of Political Science and International Relations, School of Sciences and Humanities, Nazarbayev University (Nur-Sultan)
Oleg Limanov
Expert (Uzbekistan)
Manuchehra Madjonova
Senior Economic Consultant of Secretariat of the Consultative Council on Improvement of Investment Climate under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan
Nazik Mamedova
Independent researcher, participant of CABAR.asia School of analytics (Bishkek)
Talgat Mamyrayimov
Independent expert
Marinin Sergey
Independent Analyst (Kazakhstan)
Tansuluu Matieva
Independent researcher, participant of the School of Analysts CABAR.asia
Dilmira Matyakubova
Independent researcher (Tashkent)
Askar Mashayev
Political commentator (Almaty)
Aruzhan Meirkhanova
Political Scientist, School of Sciences and Humanities, Nazarbayev University
Takhir Mirdzhaparov
Chairman of the Republican Association of Foster Families of the Chuvash Republic, Director of the Nadezhda Charitable Fund for the Support of Orphans
Michael Petrushkov
Chairman of the Business Development Center of the Republic of Tajikistan
Kairat Moldashev
Independent Researcher (Kazakhstan)
Atay Moldobaev
Head of “Prudent Solutions” Analytical Department
Anton Morozov
Ph.D., political scientist
Alibek Mukambaev
President of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives "Eurasia", political scientist (Kyrgyzstan)
Parviz Mullodjanov
Ph.D. political scientist, политолог, orientalist and independent researcher from Tajikistan
Nargiza Muratalieva
Political Scientist (Kyrgyzstan)
Anar Musabaeva
Independent political analyst (Bishkek)
Aigerim Mussabalinova
Independent researcher and consultant on children’s rights, Kazakhstan
Marat Musuraliev
Economist, Deputy Director of Smart Business Solutions Central Asia
Nodira Mukhammadkulova
Head of the Center for Energy Geopolitics, Institute for Advanced International Studies at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy
Independent Researcher (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan)
Kanat Nogoybayev
Analyst (Kyrgyzstan), member of the School of analytics of CABAR.asia mentorship program
Elmira Nogoibayeva
Head of the Analytical Center "Policy Asia"
Zhaslan Nurbaev
Associate Professor at Gumilyov Eurasian National University, participant of the CABAR.asia School of Analytics (Nur-Sultan)
Aslan Nurzhanov
Project Manager at Eurasian center for people management, participant of CABAR.asia School of Analytics (Nur-Sultan)
Umarbek Nuriddinov
4th year student of the Faculty of International Relations of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (Tashkent), participant of the CABAR.asia School of Analytics
Dinara Nurusheva
Diana Okremova
Director of the “Legal Media Centre” Public Foundation
Edil Osmonbetov
Political scientist
Tinatin Osmonova
Independent Researcher
Dinara Oshurahunova
Human rights activist, member of the international parliamentary monitoring network (Bishkek)
Lidiya Parkhomchik
Senior Researcher, Eurasian Research Institute
Bakhrom Radjabov
Political economist, PhD (Tashkent)
Shakhrizoda Rakhimova
Intern, Research Assistant, Center for Energy Geopolitics, Institute for Advanced International Studies at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy
Anastasiya Reshetnyak
Senior Researcher of the Kazakhstan Institute of Strategic Studies
Sherali Rizoyon
Political Scientist (Dushanbe)
Gulzada Rysbekova
Independent Researcher in International Relations (Bishkek)
Jaksylyk Sabitov
PhD, Eurasian National University
Maral Sagynalieva
Independent researcher, participant of CABAR.asia School of analytics (Bishkek)
Sanjar Saidov
Political scientist, PhD (Tashkent)
Dana Sailaukhanova
Economist, Research Fellow at Gender Economics Research Center
Rauf Salahodjaev
Economist, Senior Researcher at International Westminster University (Tashkent)
Sardor Salim
Political Scientist (Tashkent)
Farrukh Salimov
PhD in History, Head of Diplomacy and Foreign Policy Department of Tajik National University
Charles Sullivan
Assistant Professor of Political Science & International Relations in the School of Sciences and Humanities at Nazarbayev University
Yuriy Sarukhanyan
International Relations Specialist. Participant of the cabar.asia School of Analysts (Tashkent).
Rafael Sattarov
Political scientist
Aiym Saurambayeva
Lawyer in International Law, Master of Human Rights and Democratization (Almaty, Kazakhstan)
Steve Swerdlow
Human rights lawyer and professor of human rights in the Department of Political Science and International Relations at the University of Southern California.
Petr Svoik
Political scientist
Inga Sikorskaia
Program director of the School of peacemaking and media technology in Central Asia
Olga Simakova
Public Fund "Center for Social and Political Studies ‘Strategy’"
Dimitris Symeonidis
Independent energy policy and geopolitical risk analyst (The Hague, Netherlands)
Kamila Smagulova
Political Scientist, participant of the CABAR.asia School of Analytics 2021
Doriyush Soliev
Independent Analyst (Dushanbe)
Klara Soronkulova
Lawyer, former judge of the Constitutional Chamber of KR Supreme Court
Abdyrakhman Sulaimanov
Associate Researcher at the Pulte Institute for Global Development
Abakhon Sultonnazarov
IWPR Central Asia Regional Director
Rustami Sukhrob
International Relations Specialist (Tajikistan): Phd candidate, Ural Federal University, Department of Theory and History of International Relations, participant of CABAR.asia School of analytics 2021
Samar Syrgabaev
Sociologist, PhD in Sociological sciences
Konstantin Syroejkin
PhD., leading Kazakhstani Sinologist
Dias Takenov
Participant of CABAR.asia School of Analytics
Alisher Taksanov
Independent expert
Azamat Temirkulov
Associate Professor, Doctor of Political Sciences (Bishkek)
Anuar Temirov
Analyst, participant of the CABAR.asia's school of analysts (Nur-Sultan)
Aliya Tlegenova
Political Scientist, Nazarbaev University (Kazakhstan)
Nurlan Tokobaev
Analyst, member of the CABAR.asia's School of analytics (Bishkek)
Saniya Toktogazieva
Lawyer, expert on constitutional law (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan)
Baurzhan Tolegenov
Political commentator (Nur-Sultan)
Medet Tyulegenov
Head of the Department of “International and Comparative Politics”, AUCA
Akram Umarov
Independent expert (Uzbekistan)
Khojimuhammad Umarov
doctor of Economic Sciences, (Tajikistan)
Umedjon Ibrohimzoda
Independent political scientist, member of the CABAR.asia School of Analytics
Niginakhon Uralova
Adjunct assistant professor at Webster University in Tashkent
Arsen Usenov
Political scientist (Bishkek)
Esen Usubaliev
Head of the analytical center "Prudent Solutions", specialist in international relations
Farkhod Tolipov
Political scientist, the director of the non-governmental scientific and educational institution "Bilim Carvoni" (Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
Zhania Khaibullina
PhD doctoral student of the Department of Political Science and Political Technologies of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,, participant of CABAR.asia School of analytics
Umed Khakimov
independent expert, participant of CABAR.asia School of analytics
Farrukh Hakimov
Head of Department of Development Strategy Center (Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
Komron Khidoyatzoda
Editor of diplomatic messenger "MISSION"
Yevgeniy Khon
Khursand Khurramov
Political scientist
Andrey Chebotaryov
Director оf Centre for Contemporary Research «Alternativa» (Kazakhstan)
Ajar Chekirova
PhD candidate at the Department of Political Science at the University of Illinois in Chicago
Larisa Chen
journalist, Karaganda, Kazakhstan
Irina Chernykh
Chief Researcher at the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of History, Professor
Sherzod Shamiev
Graduate of the OSCE Academy, researcher at the Z-Analytics (Tajikistan)
Muhammad Shamsuddinov
Independent Expert, Tajikistan
Bahrom Sharipov
PhD in Economics
Iskender Sharsheev
head of the Secretariat of the National Alliance of Business Associations (Bishkek)
Aijan Sharshenova
PhD, the OSCE Academy
Shohsanam Shodieva
Independent Analyst (Tajikistan)
Eratov Iskender
Independent expert
Chinara Esengul
Senior Advisor for the conflicts prevention, UNDP
Guly Yuldasheva
Dilmurad Yusupov
PhD student at the Institute of Development Studies of the University of Sussex, participant of CABAR.asia School of Analytics (Tashkent)
Yuliy Yusupov
Economist, director of Center for Economic Development (Tashkent)
Binazir Yusupova
Participant of CABAR.asia School of Analytics
Ildar Yakubov
Candidate of Political Sciences (Tashkent)